Crossword Puzzles on Weather Vocabulary / Teka Teki Silang tentang Kosakata Cuaca
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Weather Vocabulary
Weather Vocabulary
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EclipseCrossword © 2000-2013
2. Sunny
: bright because of light from the sun
bright because of light from the sun
3. covered
in water or another liquid
6. raining
a lot
8. at a
low temperature, especially when compared to the temperature of the human body,
and not hot, or warm
9. having
or producing a comfortably high temperature, although not hot
10. with
a lot of wind
12. the
quality of being hot or warm, or the temperature of something
1. drops
of water from clouds
2. an
extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder
and lightning
3. a
current of air moving approximately horizontally, especially one strong enough
to be felt
4. slightly
5. the
small, soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky when it is
cold, or the white layer on the ground and other surfaces that it forms
7. (of
air and weather conditions) containing extremely small drops of water in the
11. water
that has frozen and become solid, or pieces of this
12. having
a high temperature
Keyword : Sunny, Hot, Cool, Cold, Windy, Rainy,
Humid, Wind, Snow, rain, Warm, Storm, Fog, Ice, Heat
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